
About TG

TG is the glass transition temperature, i.e. the melting point. Circuit board must resist fire, just to say, at a certain temperature it does not burn, only to become soften. At this point the temperature is called the glass transition temperature (TG point), this value is related to the durability of the quick turn PCB size.
What is a high TG PCB circuit boards and what is the advantages of high TG PCB?
High TG printed circuit board means when the temperature of the substrate increased to a certain degree then the board will become "rubbery" from the "glassy" , this temperature is called the glass transition temperature (TG). That is, TG is the highest temperature of the substrate to maintain rigidity (℃). When PCB substrate material at a high temperature, it will be continuously softened, deformed, melting or the similar phenomenon, and also sharply decreased in mechanical, electrical characteristics, this will influence the life of the product.
The general sheet TG is above 130 ℃, high TG is above 170 ℃, medium TG is above 150 ℃; usually PCB whose TG≥170 ℃, called high TG PCB; If TG of substrate is higher, the heat resistance of the printed circuit board, moisture resistance, chemical resistance, stability and other characteristics will be improved.

From  Shirley Xia
PCB manufacturer 
Wonderful PCB company
Email: wonderful25@wonderfulpcb.com

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